
VR experience in Unity with Google Cardboard (2016 BA Thesis)

"The artistic work deals with questions of the sensitivity of interacting persons to virtual representations of rooms and objects. The technique of virtual reality glasses and body extensions specially designed for the project are available as appropriate means. They enable the user to orientate himself in a virtual space and to embark on a journey outside the physical body."

- me, 2016


"Sounds pretty corny, doesn't it?"

also me, 2020

 Looking back from 2020:

  • For my level of knowledge at the time (one year experience in Unity) and the possibilities I had, it was a solid job. It was a finished, playable product with analog extras (check the video to see the construction).
  • It was challenging to get into VR because I had no clue on how to optimise games in Unity back then and I was using an older smartphone running Android.
  • At first I was very focused on one subject: I wanted to evoke a sense of 'grandeur' in the users. It would have been better to pay more attention to the design possibilities earlier in the process.
  • Instead of working on feelings in virtual space, I learned a lot about basic storytelling and the associated orientation of the user in 3D space
  • I published my first ever app on Google Play (it's no longer available because it's completely obsolete nowadays)
  • VR became more accessible for hobby developers and even people who usually don't play games wanted to try it out. The timing was right.

©Mihajlo Nenad 2020/21



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All rights reserved by Mihajlo Nenad.