You always wanted to make a game yourself, but didn't know where and how to start? Then this is the right video for you. In nine tutorial episodes you will learn how to use Unity and write code yourself. At the end you will have created your own 'art thief' game on which you can build on.
EPISODE 2: We will import the graphics as 'Sprites', edit them in the sprite editor and put the player in the scene.
In this part we will create a player movement script in C#.
In this part we will start building the game world and use colliders with which our player will collide. We will also execute events when the player touches an object and use prefabs to make our game developer life easier.
We will get to know and arrange the user interface elements (UI). We will also create Scriptable Object that are extremely handy to collect all the information about the artworks we need for our game and display variants of it!
At the end of this episode your player will be able to pick up an object and carry it around. We'll also add more artworks and the boss character to the scene.
We'll be making a timer while learning essential C# methods like IEnumerators aka. Coroutines! We’re also getting a glimp of how Arrays can be used in Unity and how to change Text Colors in C#.
In this part we will logically integrate the winning conditions into our project with the help of so-called 'switch statements'.
In the last episode we will include the possibility to restart our game. We'll breathe life into our player with animations and finally we'll export the game as a build on your PC or Mac..