Posts tagged with "mecha"

DEVLOG#5: Shoot 'n' Run
devlog · 10. September 2021
In the 5th devlog episode our mech learns to run, aim and shoot. KABOOM! 🔫
DEVLOG#4: Character Design Chaos
devlog · 13. May 2021
In this 4th devlog episode we go through the steps to create a brand new mecha main character for the game.

DEVLOG#3: Christmas Crunch Confessions (Special)
devlog · 24. December 2020
Watch the development of an indie game and be a part of it! In this special Christmas devlog episode I get knocked out by «December Crunch» - the manifestation of my recent crunch month. (Game makers call the process of working nights and weekends to hit a tight deadline “crunch”). Merry Christmas 2020 and Happy New Year 2021 to all of you!
devlog · 20. November 2020
In this second devlog episode I share one of my most valuable experiences in game development with you! I explain the concept of my mecha indie game and hope for your feedback. Also included: Funny bugs, a research about existing mecha games and the progress in development and design.

devlog · 15. October 2020
Watch the development of an indie game and be a part of it! This is the first episode of a development documentation series (devlog) of my personal dream game - from its earliest stage to the end at some point in the future.

©Mihajlo Nenad 2020/21



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All rights reserved by Mihajlo Nenad.